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70 results
Energy efficient chilled water system with dual-temperature modulating valves.
[In Chinese. / En chinois.]
Experimental study and numerical simulation on reed valve flow coefficient.
Simulation analysis of a two-rolling piston expander replacing a throttling valve in a refrigeration and heat pump system.
Dynamic performance of self-operated three-way valve used in a hybrid air conditioner.
Numerical simulation of a GM-type pulse tube cryocooler system: Part II. Rotary valve and cold head.
IIR document
Investigation of discharge valve in ultra-high-speed rotary compressors: An experimental and FSI simulation-based study.
Radial piston expander as a throttling valve in a heat pump: Focus on the 2-phase expansion.
Development and validation of integrated design framework for compressor system model.
Experimental performance investigation of cooling or heating coil valves and their impact on temperature controls.
Self-learning backlash inverse control of cooling or heating coil valves having backlash hysteresis.
Comparison of transcritical CO2 refrigeration cycle with expander and throttling valve including/excluding internal heat exchanger: exergy and energy points of view.
Design method for improving the electromagnetic and temperature performance of the four-way valve.
Vortex tube shape optimization for hot control valves through computational fluid dynamics.
Numerical analysis of different valve effects on the cooling performance of a two-stage GM type pulse tube cryocooler.
Energy saving comparing pressure controlled and liquid drain controlled hot gas defrost.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
1 result
Ohrid 2019: latest technology trends for ammonia and CO2
Synthesis of several refrigerating installation case studies using ammonia and CO2 based on papers from the recent IIR conference in Ohrid.